The Best Depression quotes

Depression can be a crippling disease that affects people in many ways. For entrepreneurs, it can be difficult to cope with the stress and demands of starting and running a business. These depression quotes compiled by offer some words of wisdom and hope for anyone struggling with this condition.


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The best depression quotes

1. I am sure I have summer depression โ€” the heat makes me instantly regret being alive.

2. The first thing I had to start with was, you know, we don’t have a war. We don’t have a depression, we don’t have a Cold War. โ€” William J. Clinton

3. I had developed manic depression [bipolar disorder] … and the main symptoms the constant voice in the head telling you to kill yourself. โ€” Sinead O

4. I’ve had a very productive life. I’ve worked very hard, I’ve never fallen prey to depression. I’m not sure I could have done all of that without being in psychoanalysis. โ€” Woody Allen

5. Depression is a Virus, handling it Once, Builds Your Immunity to it. โ€” Vineet Raj Kapoor

6. Depression haunts the lives of many โ€” Paul B. Gilbert

7. The more these readjustments are delayed … the longer the depression will have to last, and the longer complete recovery is postponed. โ€” Murray Rothbard

8. Depression is a lying bastard.You’ll have better days, I promise you. โ€” Sue Fitzmaurice

9. Food allergy is one of the least diagnosed and most prevalent causes of symptoms, especially depression. โ€” Sherry A. Rogers, The High Blood Pressure Hoax

10. I’ve always been interested in the Depression as this very dramatic pivotal period in American history. โ€” Ron Howard

11. Don’t let anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses ruin your life, be brave and face the day ahead of you โ€” Raven San Jose

12. Aimless life leads to depression โ€” Sunday Adelaja

13. Don’t let anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses ruin your life, be brave and face the day ahead of you โ€” Raven San Jose

14. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. โ€” Steven Wright

15. In depression, buy gas balloons; they would make you feel lighter. โ€” Vikrmn, Corpkshetra

16. I was born in 1928 and by 1931 the Depression was beginning to mount. โ€” Vidal Sassoon

17. I class myself with Rin Tin Tin. People in the Depression wanted something to cheer them up, and they fell in love with a dog and a little girl. โ€” Shirley Temple

18. I find it easy to spot a depressive. The illness is scrawled across them like graffiti. โ€” Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression

19. In depression, buy gas balloons; they would make you feel lighter. โ€” Vikrmn, Corpkshetra

20. I believe, completely, that life is about connection; that nothing else truly matters. โ€” Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression

21. Depression is our way of telling ourselves that something is seriously wrong and needs working through and changing. โ€” Neel Burton, Heaven and Hell: The Psychology of the Emotions

22. Rapid increases in the quantity of money produce inflation. Sharp decreases produce depression. โ€” Milton Friedman

23. The weather of Depression is unmodulated, its light a brownout. โ€” William Styron

24. While I don’t equate the dark night with depression, I do think our depressive moods could be imagined spiritually rather than only psychologically. โ€” San Juan de la Cruz

25. Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me. โ€” Zora Neale Hurston

26. Depression is evil. Before you know it, it takes over and there’s no escaping it. โ€” E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged

27. โ€“why is depression the blues and not the grays?โ€“Because racer!โ€“Jarod Kintz and Stefan D โ€” Stefan D

28. It is reported that about 30% of the world’s population is unemployed. That’s worse than the Great Depression, but it’s now an international phenomenon. โ€” Noam Chomsky

29. The ascetic remembrance of death is opposed to akedia, to anxiety, to depression, and becomes a powerful reminder of eternity, its joyful nostalgia. โ€” Paul Evdokimov, Orthodoxy

30. While I don’t equate the dark night with depression, I do think our depressive moods could be imagined spiritually rather than only psychologically. โ€” San Juan de la Cruz

31. One thing I know is true. Try never to abandon hope for if you do, hope will surely try to abandon you. โ€” Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression

32. Depression is a reality with everyone. What’s important is the ability to move on. โ€” Pawan Mishra, Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy

33. Do as gas balloons do, while in depression; inhale helium of happiness and fly high. โ€” Vikrmn, Corpkshetra

34. It’s often difficult for those who are lucky enough to have never experienced what true depression is to imagine a life of complete hopelessness, emptiness and fear. โ€” Susan Polis Schutz

35. My problem is that I don’t get the same exhiliration from success as I get depression from failure. โ€” Steve Martin

36. Depression is not always feeling sad. Most of the time it is feeling no โ€” Various

37. Negative thoughts are the causes of all depression and all stress.Be positive โ€” never infect your mind with negative thoughts.

38. What people never understand is that depression isn’t about the outside โ€” it’s about the inside.

39. Sadness is a moment in which the world took something from you. Depression is a lifetime of torment no matter what is said or done. โ€” A.P. Sweet, dead, but dreaming

40. The more confident and appreciative of who you are, the less hold depression has over you. โ€” Omoakhuana Anthonia

41. Depression thrives in secrecy but shrinks in empathy. โ€” Seth Adam Smith

42. Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low selfโ€“esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes. โ€” William Gibson

43. Work and learn in evil days, in insulted days, in days of debt and depression and calamity. Fight best in the shade of the cloud of arrows. โ€” Ralph Waldo Emerson

44. I didn’t feel the Depression at all. I always had a pocketful of money. โ€” Walter Annenberg

45. They really do a disservice because these men and women came out of the Depression, they came out of the war. โ€” Richard M. Daley

46. Much of what we called ‘depression’ was really dissatisfaction, a result of setting a bar impossibly high or expecting treasures we weren’t willing to work for. โ€” Mitch Albom

47. There was a time when I was 19 when I really, really, really thought I was going crazy. I was exhausted and going through a terrible depression. โ€” Winona Ryder

48. Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me. โ€” Zora Neale Hurston

49. I find it easy to spot a depressive. The illness is scrawled across them like graffiti. โ€” Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression

50. The feelings of guilt takes away selfโ€“confidence, reduces selfโ€“esteem welcomes fear, confusion, disappointment, depression etc. โ€” Sunday Adelaja


Depression can be a difficult and confusing condition to work through. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that there are many people who understand and are willing to support you through this difficult time. Finding the right quote to help you through this process can be invaluable. We hope these quotes about depression have provided you with comfort and strength to continue your journey.

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