Dennis Prager is a popular conservative radio host, author and public speaker. You may not agree with everything he has to say, but you have to respect his best quotes. This is a man who started from nothing and built an empire based on his own hard work and determination. If you’re looking for some inspiration, read on for the quotes compilation of Dennis Prager. ( Then move on to talk about what Dennis did as a kid that influenced who he became etc)
Dennis was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1948. His parents were poor immigrants from Poland and Russia, and they worked hard to provide for their family.
Discover the most interesting Happiness, Americans, Character, Human Beings, Life, World, Believing, Evil, Moral quotes from Dennis Prager, and much more.
There is little correlation between the circumstances of people’s lives and how happy they are. — Dennis Prager
An unhappy life is a life not lived. — Dennis Prager
You have a choice in life very often whether you do good or you feel good. — Dennis Prager
Of all the characteristics needed for both a happy and morally decent life, none surpasses gratitude. Grateful people are happier, and grateful people are more morally decent. — Dennis Prager
Therefore the vast majority of the people who affirm leftist beliefs think of their views as the only way to properly think about life. — Dennis Prager
I have spent a good part of my life showing what an intellectual bubble the Left lives in. — Dennis Prager
Most people wait until tragedy strikes before thinking about how to incorporate tragedy into their life. — Dennis Prager
We owe it to our husband or wife, our fellow workers, our children, our friends, indeed to everyone who comes into our lives, to be as happy as we can be. — Dennis Prager
The essence of the Hebrew Bible, transmitted by Christianity, is separation: between life and death, nature and God, good and evil, man and woman, and the holy and the profane. — Dennis Prager
You cannot be happy if your primary identity is that of a victim, even if you really are one. — Dennis Prager
Every poll about the Left, the Right, and happiness reveals that the farther left one goes, the less happy the person is likely to be. — Dennis Prager
If you equate happiness with success, you will never achieve the amount of success necessary to make you happy. — Dennis Prager
Not only do we have a right to be happy, we have an obligation to be happy because our happiness has an effect on everyone around us. — Dennis Prager
Has feminism increased the pool of happy women? — Dennis Prager
All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it’s truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy. — Dennis Prager
Want to raise children who will be happy adults? Teach them not to whine. — Dennis Prager
There is a very good thing about hating evil. If you hate evil, that’s all you will hate — Dennis Prager
Those who do not confront evil resent those who do. — Dennis Prager
Compassion without wisdom is dangerous. It’s what enables people to support the ‘underdog,’ even if the underdog is evil — Dennis Prager
If we continue to teach about tolerance and intolerance instead of good and evil, we will end up with tolerance of evil. — Dennis Prager
Just because you cannot fight every evil does not mean you should fight no evils. — Dennis Prager
If your religion doesn’t teach you the difference between good and evil, your religion is worse than useless. — Dennis Prager
That’s a phenomenon of the Left: You don’t fight evil. You fight carbon emissions — Dennis Prager
Take care of your kid’s character, and everything will follow after that. Character is everything — Dennis Prager
Where are the vehicles to character development in secular society? — Dennis Prager
One of humanity’s most common character traits is ingratitude. — Dennis Prager
Goodness is about character–integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people. — Dennis Prager
A decent person does not alienate children from a parent, no matter how angry they are at the parent for the divorce. It’s unfair to the children, and it’s unfair to the other human being — Dennis Prager
The election, and even the re–election, of a black man as president, in a country that is 87 percent non–black–a first in human history–has had no impact on what are called ‘racial tensions.’ — Dennis Prager
Does the unborn human fetus have at any point the right to live? — Dennis Prager
For some reason, the evolutionists have not come up with an evolution–based explanation for why human beings react so powerfully to music. But surely they will. — Dennis Prager
Parents are flawed human beings who are given a role that more approximates that of God than of mere mortals. — Dennis Prager
Israel is the only country in the world targeted for annihilation. — Dennis Prager
The world is a bad place. There are many wonderful people, but on the whole, humanity basically stinks. — Dennis Prager
The Muslim world is threatened by religious fanaticism. The Western world is threatened by secular fanaticism. — Dennis Prager
Who has created more peace in the world, the Peace Corps or the Marine Corps? — Dennis Prager
Redundant Thematics
In Dennis Prager Statements
Conservatives divide the world in terms of good and evil while liberals do it in terms of the rich and poor. — Dennis Prager
Virtually nothing Barack Obama has done has left America or the world better since he became president. Nearly everything he has touched has been made worse. — Dennis Prager
Almost every major news medium on earth is either center–left or left. And the left around the world loathes America. — Dennis Prager
I often wonder if I am entitled to be as happy as I am, given the amount of suffering in the world. — Dennis Prager
Given the amount of unjust suffering and unhappiness in the world, I am deeply grateful for, sometimes even perplexed by, how much misery I have been spared. — Dennis Prager
The Congressional Black Caucus is a moral fraud. It’s amazing how many people are afraid of saying that — Dennis Prager
Freedom comes from moral self–control. There is no other way to achieve it. — Dennis Prager
Second, honoring parents is how nearly all of us come to recognize that there is a moral authority above us to whom we are morally accountable. — Dennis Prager
Much of the world’s moral compass is broken. The moral north reads south and the moral south reads north. — Dennis Prager
Those indoctrinated by leftist thinking become largely incapable of making accurate moral judgments. — Dennis Prager
There is nothing–not any religious or secular body of work–that comes close to the Bible in forming the moral bases of Western civilization and therefore of nearly all moral progress in the world. — Dennis Prager
American troops around the globe are the greatest preservers of liberty and peace in the world. — Dennis Prager
Most American elementary schools and high schools, and nearly all colleges and universities, teach everything that is significant from a liberal/Left perspective. — Dennis Prager
No American conservative has ever argued that the government should never be involved in peoples’ lives. That is anarchy, and we don’t argue for that. — Dennis Prager
Once enough Americans reacquaint themselves with Americanism, we should promote it to all countries just as the Left promotes leftism and Muslims promote Islam. One need not be American to affirm Americanism. — Dennis Prager
There’s more time spent on teaching kids about recycling than on character development in the American schools. — Dennis Prager
The left and Democrats are relying on the decline the American character that left–wing policies have produced. — Dennis Prager
Our universities teach non–white, non–Christian, and female students to find offense everywhere. American students get degrees in Finding Offense. — Dennis Prager
Most people who call themselves conservatives can’t explain the American value system. — Dennis Prager
Every age has found some alternative to American values appealing. The number of Western intellectuals enamored of fascism and all the various expressions of Marxism was legion. — Dennis Prager
The whole American experiment has been predicated on giving individuals as much control over their own lives as possible. — Dennis Prager
Those who believe in nothing are very, very jealous and angry at those who believe in something. — Dennis Prager
There is much less envy of the rich by the poor than there is of the happy by the unhappy; by those who believe, by those who don’t believe. — Dennis Prager
That said, I have come to believe that the more committed one is to leftism, the more likely one is to become meaner. — Dennis Prager
When you don’t believe in anything except not dying, you don’t really believe in anything. — Dennis Prager
I always believe in earning love. I consider unconditional love to be one of the worst ideas developed — Dennis Prager
I believe that the levels of taxation advocated by liberals render those taxes a veiled form of theft. ‘Give me more than half of your honestly earned money or you will be arrested’ is legalized thievery. — Dennis Prager
To deny that human beings are filled with anti–social passions betrays a denial of reality and a lack of self–awareness. One has to be taught nonsense for a great many formative years to believe it. — Dennis Prager
DENNIS PRAGER Quotes Take Away
Dennis Prager is a genius when it comes to understanding human nature. His insights into what motivates people are insightful and inspiring. If you’re looking for more motivation in your life, or if you want to learn how to motivate others, then be sure to check out our courses. We have a variety of programs that can help you achieve your goals and change your life for the better.