The Best Denis Diderot quotes

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Denis Diderot is an inspiring figure in the history of art, literature, and philosophy. His works are still read widely today and have influenced countless artists to come. Though he never finished his education or pursued a career as a philosopher, he was one of the most influential thinkers of his time.
He’s been called the father of modern painting for creating illustrations that were used by major authors like Voltaire; the father of art criticism because he advocated viewing paintings from all angles; and a pioneer in every field. In 1759 he published a groundbreaking work entitled Encyclopédie which aimed to be both comprehensive and democratic. It included articles on science, math, anatomy, law–all academic disciplines then

Discover the best sentences from Denis Diderot.

Here are the best Genius, Truth, Passion, Philosophy, Order, World, Virtues quotes from Denis Diderot, and much more.

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About Denis Diderot

birth of the author

5 October 1713

death of the author

31 July 1784

college of the author

Alma Mater:
University Of Paris

date of the author

18Th-Century Philosophy

country of the author

Western Philosophy

movement of the author

Encyclopédistes French Materialism Epicureanism

occupation of the author

Main Interests:
Science, Literature, Philosophy, Art:650


What a fine comedy this world would be if one did not play a part in it. — Denis Diderot

Posterity for the philosopher is what the other world is for the religious man. — Denis Diderot

Do you see this egg? With this you can topple every theological theory, every church or temple in the world. — Denis Diderot

The world is the house of the strong. — Denis Diderot

what a fine comedy this world would be if one did not play a part in it Denis Diderot quote

People praise virtue, but they hate it, they run away from it. It freezes you to death, and in this world you’ve got to keep your feet warm. — Denis Diderot

Virtue is praised but hated. people run away from it, for it is ice–cold and in this world you must keep your feet warm. — Denis Diderot

Le public ne sait pas toujours de sirer le vrai. Thepublicdoesnot alwaysknowhow todesirethetruth. — Denis Diderot


Scepticism is the first step toward truth. — Denis Diderot

Ignorance is less remote from the truth than prejudice. — Denis Diderot

scepticism is the first step toward truth Denis Diderot quote

I can be expected to look for truth but not to fInd It. — Denis Diderot

What has not been examined impartially has not been well examined. Skepticism is therefore the first step towards truth. — Denis Diderot

A thing is not proved because no one has ever questioned it… Skepticism is the first step toward truth. — Denis Diderot

One may demand of me that I should seek truth, but not that I should find it. — Denis Diderot

Whether God exists or does not exist, He has come to rank among the most sublime and useless truths. — Denis Diderot

ignorance is less remote from the truth than prejudice Denis Diderot quote

We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter. — Denis Diderot

If ever anybody dedicated his whole life to the ‘enthusiasm for truth and justice’ using this phrase in the good sense it was Diderot. — Denis Diderot

Only a very bad theologian would confuse the certainty that follows revelation with the truths that are revealed. They are entirely different things. — Denis Diderot

Why is Denis Diderot significant?

The French philosopher and essayist Denis Diderot served as chief editor of the Encyclopédie, and in that role he was one of the originators and interpreters of the Enlightenment.

The work, notable for its attitude of tolerance and liberalism, had profound political, social, and intellectual repercussions in France just prior to the Revolution.


I like better for one to say some foolish thing upon important matters than to be silent. That becomes the subject of discussion and dispute, and the truth is discovered. — Denis Diderot

Pithy sentences are like sharp nails which force truth upon our memory. — Denis Diderot

i can be expected to look for truth but not to find it Denis Diderot quote

We swallow with one gulp the lie that flatters us, and drink drop by drop the truth which is bitter to us. — Denis Diderot

Those who fear the facts will forever try to discredit the fact–finders. — Denis Diderot


In order to get as much fame as one’s father one has to much more able than he. — Denis Diderot

What is a monster? A being whose survival is incompatible with the existing order. — Denis Diderot

In order to shake a hypothesis, it is sometimes not necessary to do anything more than push it as far as it will go. — Denis Diderot

in order to get as much fame as one s father one has to much more able than he Denis Diderot quote

My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly. — Denis Diderot

Watch out for the fellow who talks about putting things in order! Putting things in order always means getting other people under your control. — Denis Diderot

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot

Life is but a series of misunderstandings. — Denis Diderot


Integrity is the evidence of all civil virtues. — Denis Diderot

integrity is the evidence of all civil virtues Denis Diderot quote

There is only one virtue, justice; only one duty, to be happy; only one corollary, not to overvalue life and not to fear death. — Denis Diderot

Redundant Thematics

In Denis Diderot Statements


We are far more liable to catch the vices than the virtues of our associates. — Denis Diderot

Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of those who obey. — Denis Diderot


The first step towards philosophy is incredulity. — Denis Diderot

Skepticism is the first step on the road to philosophy. — Denis Diderot

the first step towards philosophy is incredulity Denis Diderot quote

Passions destroy more prejudices than philosophy does. — Denis Diderot

Philosophy is as far separated from impiety as religion is from fanaticism. — Denis Diderot

I discuss with myself questions of politics, love, taste, or philosophy. I let my mind rove wantonly, give it free rein to followany idea, wise or mad that may present itself. My ideas are my harlots. — Denis Diderot

There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it. — Denis Diderot


There is only one passion, the passion for happiness. — Denis Diderot

there is only one passion the passion for happiness Denis Diderot quote

We are constantly railing against the passions; we ascribe to them all of man’s afflictions, and we forget that they are also the source of all his pleasures. — Denis Diderot

One declaims endlessly against the passions; one imputes all of man’s suffering to them. One forgets that they are also the source of all his pleasures. — Denis Diderot

Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things. — Denis Diderot

Only passions, and great passions, can raise the soul to great things. Without them there is no sublimity, either in morals or in creativity. Art returns to infancy, and virtue becomes small–minded. — Denis Diderot

It is said that desire is a product of the will, but the converse is in fact true: will is a product of desire. — Denis Diderot


Only God and some few rare geniuses can keep forging ahead into novelty. — Denis Diderot

Our observation of nature must be diligent, our reflection profound, and our experiments exact. We rarely see these three means combined; and for this reason, creative geniuses are not common. — Denis Diderot

Evil always turns up in this world through some genius or other. — Denis Diderot

Oh! how near are genius and madness! Men imprison them and chain them, or raise statues to them. — Denis Diderot

Gaiety––a quality of ordinary men. genius always presupposes some disorder in the machine. — Denis Diderot

only god and some few rare geniuses can keep forging ahead into novelty Denis Diderot quote

The general interest of The masses might take The place of The insight of genius if it were allowed freedom of action. — Denis Diderot

Genius is present in every age, but the men carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth. — Denis Diderot

What was Denis Diderot’s early life like?

Diderot was born in 1713, the son of a master cutler.

Although tonsured in 1726, he did not enter the church, and he later became an atheist and embraced rationalism.

In 1732 Diderot was awarded a master of arts degree from the University of Paris. He held various jobs before beginning work on the Encyclopédie.
