The Best Demi Lovato quotes

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Demi Lovato has been through a lot in her life. She’s battled an eating disorder, depression and drug addiction. From the outside it looks like she’s done really well for herself but on the inside it was a struggle to keep up this facade. I’m not sure how many of you have heard her best quotes before but if you’re looking for inspiration to push forward in your own lives then I would recommend reading about what Demi Lovato went through and how she found success despite all odds against her.
Discover the most known phrases from Demi Lovato.

Discover the most known Happiness, Music, Being Afraid, Love, Feelings, Body, Life quotes from Demi Lovato, and much more.

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About Demi Lovato

birth of the author

August 20, 1992

occupation of the author

Singer, Songwriter, Actor

date of the author

Years Active:

genre of the author


instrument of the author

Vocals, Guitar, Piano

institution of the author

Island, Safehouse, Hollywood

productions of the author

Associated Acts:
Jonas Brothers


One of the most scariest things in life is when you come to the realization that the only thing that can save you isโ€“yourself. โ€” Demi Lovato

You can turn your life around. You can through hell and back. It is possible. Never underestimate yourself. I believe in you. โ€” Demi Lovato

If you’re living your life in fear, then you’re just not living. โ€” Demi Lovato

I want to show the world there is life, surprising, wonderful, and unexpected life, after diagnosis. โ€” Demi Lovato

if you re living your life in fear then you re just not living Demi Lovato quote

To be someone’s inspiration is the biggest goal in my life. โ€” Demi Lovato

You deserve to live a happy and healthy life. โ€” Demi Lovato

I love life on the road. I’m in a different city every night and it never gets old. โ€” Demi Lovato

Life can be so difficult at times but fighting through the pain is so worth it. โ€” Demi Lovato

Don’t torment yourself with jealousy. It’s a silly illusion that someone’s life is better than yours when the truth is that each one of us is on a different path. โ€” Demi Lovato

to be someone s inspiration is the biggest goal in my life Demi Lovato quote

If I help one person out with getting through the struggles that I’ve had, then I’ve done my job on this planet and this life. โ€” Demi Lovato

We do the best we can in life, we take things one day at a time and sometimes we all just need a simple reminder of that. โ€” Demi Lovato

Share your story with someone. You never know how one sentence of your life story could inspire someone to rewrite their own. โ€” Demi Lovato

Someday i’ll tell the world what exactly happened, why it happened and what my life is like today, i still need space and time to heal. โ€” Demi Lovato

My food choices don’t rule My life anymore. โ€” Demi Lovato

you deserve to live a happy and healthy life Demi Lovato quote

Don’t let anything or anyone define you. You are what you are because of what you make of tough situations in your life. โ€” Demi Lovato

Enjoy your life…let loose, party hard and just have a good time ๐Ÿ™‚ <3 โ€” Demi Lovato

The mirror can lie. Doesn’t show you what’s inside. And it, it can tell you you’re full of life. It’s amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile. โ€” Demi Lovato

Just because you’re on the Disney Channel and you always have a smile on your face, they think you’re perfect, and it’s obvious that nobody’s life really is. โ€” Demi Lovato

Every life has a purpose. Share your story and you may help someone find their own. โ€” Demi Lovato

i love life on the road i m in a different city every night and it never gets old Demi Lovato quote

There’s no point to living life unless you make history and the best way to make history is to help others. โ€” Demi Lovato

I want to live my life without filters. I don’t walk on egg shells. I say what I want and I’m a very free spirit. โ€” Demi Lovato

Everyday is a new opportunity to change your life and be who you want to be. โ€” Demi Lovato

Focusing on food and exercise changed my life. โ€” Demi Lovato

If you’re hurting, don’t be afraid to seek the help you need! Speak to someoneโ€“it may just change your life. โ€” Demi Lovato

life can be so difficult at times but fighting through the pain is so worth it Demi Lovato quote

Every single one of you is unique. โ€” Demi Lovato


Never be ashamed of what you feel. โ€” Demi Lovato

I can feel glamorous without makeup, especially on my lips. They’re naturally reddish, so I often let them go. โ€” Demi Lovato

The more active I am, the better I feel and the longer I can stay onstage without losing my breath. โ€” Demi Lovato

I used to think that confidence came from what other people thought about me but now I realize it comes from what I feel about myself. โ€” Demi Lovato

never be ashamed of what you feel Demi Lovato quote

I feel it’s selfish when you don’t use your voice, because then you’re just relishing the attentionโ€“you’re not using it for good. โ€” Demi Lovato

It’s not about eating healthy to lose weight. It’s about eating healthy to feel good. โ€” Demi Lovato

If you don’t feel pretty, you’re wrong. If you’re dealing with a problem, don’t be afraid to talk. And… If you think you’re alone, listen to my music ’cause I’m here for you. โ€” Demi Lovato

My personal style is kind of sophisticated edgy, I guess. I wear a lot of black and it’s what I feel comfortable in. โ€” Demi Lovato

Tell me, Do you feel the way I feel? ‘Cause nothing else is real In the La La Land machine โ€” Demi Lovato

it s not about eating healthy to lose weight it s about eating healthy to feel good Demi Lovato quote

I don’t have many deal breakers. I’ve done so much in my life, it doesn’t feel right to judge other people. โ€” Demi Lovato

We aren’t robots. What makes us exceptional as humans, is that we have the capacity to feel as many emotions all at once. โ€” Demi Lovato

There needs to be more variety on television so young girls growing up don’t feel pressured to look one specific way. Tall, thin, curvy, short, whatever you are, you are beautiful. โ€” Demi Lovato

You have the right to feel any emotion that you want and to do what makes you happy. That’s my life motto. โ€” Demi Lovato

Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy. That’s my life motto. โ€” Demi Lovato

I have come to realize making yourself happy is most important. Never be ashamed of how you feel. You have the right feel any emotion you want, and do what makes you happy. That’s my life motto’<3 โ€” Demi Lovato

Sometimes I think you’ll be fine by yourself Cause a dream is a wish you make all alone; It’s easy to feel like you don’t need help, But it’s harder to walk on your own… โ€” Demi Lovato

Sometimes it just feels so amazing to finally stand up for yourself. I highly recommend it. Life is too short to be taken for granted. โ€” Demi Lovato

Skies are crying, I am watching, Catching teardrops in my hands. Only silence, as it’s ending, Like we never had a chance. Do you have to make me feel Like there’s nothing left of me? โ€” Demi Lovato

As the smoke clears, I awaken, And untangle you from me. Would it make you feel better To watch me, while I bleed? All my windows still are broken, But I’m standing on my feet. โ€” Demi Lovato

Watch a movie that makes you laugh or listen to a song that makes you cry. Embrace your emotions and be proud of what you feel. โ€” Demi Lovato

I have felt uncomfortable having people say, ‘You’re my idol,’ because I want them to idolize God. I want them to idolize somebody that’s done a lot. โ€” Demi Lovato


And if you think you’re alone. Put on my music. Because I’m going to be there for you. โ€” Demi Lovato

I want my music to do the explaining. โ€” Demi Lovato

When I sing or play music, I’m able to relieve myself of whatever it is that I’m struggling with. โ€” Demi Lovato

and if you think you re alone put on my music because i m going to be there for you Demi Lovato quote

We don’t have music that talks about sexuality from a female standpoint. โ€” Demi Lovato

There’s nothing wrong with a woman being proud of an element of her life that’s talked about in rap music all the time! โ€” Demi Lovato

I’ve taken all the scandals back and made them part of my story and my music. โ€” Demi Lovato

Redundant Thematics

In Demi Lovato Statements


If you took away music, I wouldnt have a reason to live. โ€” Demi Lovato


Being surrounded by supermodels’ bodies was triggering to me. โ€” Demi Lovato

being surrounded by supermodels bodies was triggering to me Demi Lovato quote

I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body. โ€” Demi Lovato

It’s OK to love your body the way it is. โ€” Demi Lovato

Never be ashamed of your problems, your body, yourself. You are worth life. โ€” Demi Lovato

You don’t have to have a thigh gap to be beautiful. It is possible to love your body the way it is. โ€” Demi Lovato

I’m sharing my experience with my body with my fans, and that’s why they relate to me so much. โ€” Demi Lovato

i m not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body Demi Lovato quote

I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real. โ€” Demi Lovato

Don’t workout because you think you ‘need’ to, do it because your body deserves love, respect and healthy attention. โ€” Demi Lovato

When you treat your body like a Bentley, you value yourself and you start to look at your body differently. โ€” Demi Lovato

I’m not a modelโ€“I have curves. I find things that accentuate my body, a woman’s body, and I always wear things that I feel comfortable in. โ€” Demi Lovato

I don’t think there’s going to be a day when I don’t think about food or my body, but I’m living with it, and I wish I could tell young girls to find their safe place and stay with it. โ€” Demi Lovato

it s ok to love your body the way it is Demi Lovato quote

I don’t think I’m fixed. People think that you’re like a car in a body shop. You go in, they fix you, and you’re out. It takes constant fixing. โ€” Demi Lovato

I feel most confident when I’m taking care of my body and my skin. โ€” Demi Lovato


You can’t love other people until you love yourself. โ€” Demi Lovato

Love yourself before any other person. That’s when you can really survive on your own. โ€” Demi Lovato

Stay strong, be brave, love hard and true, and you will have nothing to lose. โ€” Demi Lovato

you can t love other people until you love yourself Demi Lovato quote

Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect. โ€” Demi Lovato

Our love is like a song but you won’t sing along. โ€” Demi Lovato

I love having a boyfriend but need to be secure on my own first. โ€” Demi Lovato

It’s important to remember how our friends have such a powerful influence on us and vice versa. This can be a great thing as long as your friends surround you with love, loyalty, respect and positivity. โ€” Demi Lovato

When you start to beat yourself up, remind yourself of how worthy you are of love. โ€” Demi Lovato

love yourself before any other person that s when you can really survive on your own Demi Lovato quote

Music is what I love to do; it’s in my veins. โ€” Demi Lovato

You can be the most beautiful woman in the world and see yourself as hideous. You must love yourself. To look in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re a rock star. โ€” Demi Lovato

I’m not saying I’m perfect, or fixed, but I am learning to love and accept myself. My outlook is more positive and I am happy. โ€” Demi Lovato

Love yourself and treat yourself as you would treat your very best friend. You deserve the same love you give to others. โ€” Demi Lovato

So I’m putting my defenses up, cause I don’t wanna fall in love. If I ever did that. I think I’d have a heart attack. โ€” Demi Lovato

stay strong be brave love hard and true and you will have nothing to lose Demi Lovato quote

I’m an American for marriage equality. I believe that love comes in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. So whether you’re LGBT or straight, your love is valid, beautiful, and an incredible gift. โ€” Demi Lovato

No one deserves anything less than being loved. โ€” Demi Lovato


Go ahead and believe that no one shines brighter than you. Become amazing, and be happy. โ€” Demi Lovato

I don’t let anyone’s insecurities, emotions, or opinions bother me. I know that if I am happy, that’s all that matters to me. โ€” Demi Lovato

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks as long as you’re happy. โ€” Demi Lovato

go ahead and believe that no one shines brighter than you become amazing and be happy Demi Lovato quote

Do what makes you happy, and don’t care what others think. โ€” Demi Lovato

I have come to realize that just making yourself happy is most important. โ€” Demi Lovato

I learned that you go through things, you deal with them and that’s what empowers you and ultimately makes you a happy person. โ€” Demi Lovato


Don’t be afraid to speak up, because someone will be there for you. โ€” Demi Lovato

Sometimes being afraid can show more strength than being fearless. โ€” Demi Lovato

don t be afraid to speak up because someone will be there for you Demi Lovato quote

I think that’s what goes wrong in a lot of people’s careers, so many people are afraid to say, ‘This person has a problem’ or ‘This person maybe shouldn’t do this’ because they’re afraid of losing their jobs. โ€” Demi Lovato

I don’t wanna be afraid, I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today, and know that I’m okay. โ€” Demi Lovato

Some of my fans have said that because I’ve been able to speak about my issues, that they’re not afraid to speak about theirs, which is an amazing feeling. โ€” Demi Lovato

The best advice I can give to anyone going through a rough patch is to never be afraid to ask for help. โ€” Demi Lovato

I’m not afraid to talk about the fact that women get paid less than men in the United States and how unfair that is. Talking about it at all is doing the work. โ€” Demi Lovato

sometimes being afraid can show more strength than being fearless Demi Lovato quote