Danny Meyer’s first restaurant, Union Square Cafe, opened in 1985 after a decade of working as a head chef for other restaurants. His success led him to open Shake Shack and the Gramercy Tavern. He has been named one of the world’s best chefs by The Culinary Institute of America and Food & Wine Magazine. His work is focused on creating hospitality for all people through food, service, design, philanthropy and sustainability.
Here are the best phrases from Danny Meyer.
Discover the deepest Feelings, Restaurant, Hospitality, Service quotes from Danny Meyer, and much more.
Hospitality is almost impossible to teach. It’s all about hiring the right people. — Danny Meyer
Hospitality knows no gender or race. — Danny Meyer
Hospitality is present when something happens for you. It is absent when something happens to you. Those two simple prepositions–for and to–express it all. — Danny Meyer
Hospitality exists when you believe that the other person is on your side. — Danny Meyer
People use restaurants to do business, to do politics, to socialize. — Danny Meyer
I don’t get to cook in my own restaurant. — Danny Meyer
More and more, museums will look at restaurants and chefs differently–as if they are curating art. — Danny Meyer
At my restaurants, we have training drills before every meal. We talk about what we did yesterday that was great and what we can improve today. — Danny Meyer
A great restaurant doesn’t distinguish itself by how few mistakes it makes but by how well they handle those mistakes. — Danny Meyer
Wearing a baseball cap or sleeveless shirt in a white–tablecloth restaurant is rude and makes other diners upset, just like someone on a cellphone. — Danny Meyer
Long before Starbucks popularized the phrase ‘the third place’–somewhere to interact outside of work and home–it was neighborhood restaurants that helped to define places like Union Square. — Danny Meyer
Good service means never having to ask for anything. — Danny Meyer
The most important thing you can do is make the distinction between customer service and guest hospitality. You need both things to thrive, but they are completely different. — Danny Meyer
Service is how product is delivered–the technical aspect. — Danny Meyer
You wouldn’t have the same art on the walls at every restaurant or the same waiter uniforms. Neither should you have the same service style at every restaurant. — Danny Meyer
It’s always imperative to improve and to remain dynamic–or you’ll become lunch, as opposed to serving it. — Danny Meyer
Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple, and it’s that hard. — Danny Meyer
Redundant Thematics
In Danny Meyer Statements
I feel like not knowing Joe Torre is a hole in my New York experience. — Danny Meyer
There are three things that people pick up on the instant they walk into your home on Thanksgiving. They will be able to feel the human energy. They’ll smell the food. And they will see, instantly, the table. — Danny Meyer
What you can do is present existing flavors in a fresh way, in a fresh context. — Danny Meyer
Inspiring Phrases From Danny Meyer
I’m a big believer that you can try to change the world based on philosophy, doctrine, and belief. But I think the thing that really drives the world is hedonism, the pleasure factor. — Danny Meyer
And so will the world end, I think, a victim of love rather than hate. For love’s ever been the more destructive weapon, sure. — Stephen King
Life is a series of waves to be embraced and overcome. — Danny Meyer
If you develop a dialogue with me and take an interest in me, I’ll want to give you the business. It’s human nature. — Danny Meyer