The Best Christopher Lee quotes

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Christopher lee was born in london, England on may 27, 1922. He was the son of a captain in the british army and an italian mother. Lee’s parents divorced when he was young, and he was sent to live with his mother in south Florida. After high school, lee joined the british merchant marines and sailed around the world. In 1941, he was drafted into the British army and fought in World War II. After the war, lee returned to Florida and enrolled at university of Miami. He studied drama at night while working as a carpenter during the day. In 1948, lee moved to new York City and started his acting career on broadway.

Here are the deepest Films, Family, World, Metal quotes from Christopher Lee, and much more.

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About Christopher Lee

birth of the author

27 May 1922

death of the author

7 June 2015

country of the author


occupation of the author

Actor, Author, Singer

date of the author

Years Active:

size of the author

6 Ft 4 In

genre of the author

Opera, Symphonic Metal, Power Metal

country of the author


date of the author

Years Of Service:

army of the author

Flight Lieutenant

army of the author

Winter War, World War Ii North African Campaign Allied Invasion Of Italy Battle Of Monte Cassino, North African Campaign, Allied Invasion Of Italy, Battle Of Monte Cassino And More.

army of the author

Winter War, World War Ii North African Campaign Allied Invasion Of Italy Battle Of Monte Cassino, North African Campaign, Allied Invasion Of Italy


I’ve done a lot of films that have become iconic, not necessarily because of me. — Christopher Lee

I made three films with Boris Karloff. He was absolutely wonderful. — Christopher Lee

There are many vampires in the world today… you only have to think of the film business. — Christopher Lee

Not every Hammer film was perfect. — Christopher Lee

i ve done a lot of films that have become iconic not necessarily because of me Christopher Lee quote

The Wicker Man’ for me, as an actor, was definitely the best film I’ve ever done. — Christopher Lee

I didn’t want to be known as a man who only made horror films. I made some–very few. — Christopher Lee

The secret to a long marriage in the film industry? Marry someone wonderful, as I did. And always have her come along on location. — Christopher Lee

I did radio, I did television, I did opera, I did films in which I had very, very little to say. But I had a lot of experience in front of the camera, and that’s what really counts. — Christopher Lee

People should not pass judgment until they have seen the film. — Christopher Lee

i made three films with boris karloff he was absolutely wonderful Christopher Lee quote

It’s what you don’t see that keeps you on the edge of your seat in any kind of film–leave it to the imagination of the viewer. — Christopher Lee

The most important film I made, in terms of its subject and the great responsibility I had as an actor, was a film I did about the founder of Pakistan called ‘Jinnah.’ — Christopher Lee

In 1956, the success of the Hammer films kick–started my career. That immediately gave me a name and a face to go with it. I will always be grateful to Hammer for that. — Christopher Lee

I have made a lot of movies, but I don’t see any point in talking about films I don’t think are terribly good. I have been in a few. I don’t know any actor that hasn’t. — Christopher Lee


The first ‘Charlemagne’ album is metal, of course, but what I sang was more symphonic. — Christopher Lee

the first charlemagne album is metal of course but what i sang was more symphonic Christopher Lee quote

I have been metal all my life, only I did not know about it. The people in this album (Charlemagne) and I, share the same values. — Christopher Lee

I associate heavy metal with fantasy because of the tremendous power that the music delivers. — Christopher Lee

It’s a band singing on how metal should be played, the effect it has on the band and its listeners. — Christopher Lee

As far as I am concerned, Don Quixote is the most metal fictional character that I know. Single handed, he is trying to change the world, regardless of any personal consequences. — Christopher Lee


I am so terrIbly sorry to the vIctIm and hIs famIly for my crIme. neIther he nor hIs famIly deserved what I dId. nobody deserves that. — Christopher Lee

My father’s family can be traced back to 1400. I’ve been told by gypsies that there is unmistakeably gypsy blood in me. Lee is a gypsy name, you know. — Christopher Lee

I’ve worked with Tim Burton five times, and it’s just like being part of a family; life doesn’t get much better than that. — Christopher Lee

When I was very young–around the age of nine–my family used to go to a house in Somerset that my stepfather rented every summer. There was fishing, lakes and riding. — Christopher Lee


We don’t live in a particularly attractive world. I don’t really remember, except as a small boy, anything but a pretty grim world. — Christopher Lee

Redundant Thematics

In Christopher Lee Statements


I’ve always acknowledged my debt to Hammer. I’ve always said I’m very grateful to them. They gave me this great opportunity, made me a well known face all over the world for which I am profoundly grateful. — Christopher Lee

Ninety–five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation,’ he said… — Christopher Lee Bollyn

I’m much softer than people think. I don’t present to the world an emotional face. I’m pretty good at self–control, but I am easily moved. — Christopher Lee

Inspiring Phrases From Christopher Lee

The decision regarding which penalty will be sought will be made after a full review of The facts and evidence in The case. — Christopher Lee

The saddest country I went to was Romania, years ago, during Ceausescu’s rule. — Christopher Lee

I knew Vincent Price from films–he was a big movie star–but the first time I met him was when we filmed ‘The Oblong Box.’ — Christopher Lee

the saddest country i went to was romania years ago during ceausescu s rule Christopher Lee quote

I thought that people should know about the dangers of Satanism, and diabolism does exist–there’s no question about it. — Christopher Lee

I was attached to the SAS from time to time, but we are forbidden–former, present, or future–to discuss any specific operations. — Christopher Lee

I turn to the ‘Telegraph’s’ obituaries page with trepidation. — Christopher Lee

Every actor has to make terrible films from time to time, but the trick is never to be terrible in them. — Christopher Lee

Various Statements From Christopher Lee

To be a legend, you’ve either got to be dead or excessively old. — Sir Christopher Lee

to be a legend you ve either got to be dead or excessively old sir Christopher Lee quote

My worst day off is better than my best day at work. — Christopher Lee Cousino

Ian Fleming was my cousin, and he wanted me to play Dr. No, but by the time he got around to remembering to tell the producers, they’d already cast someone else. Spilt milk! — Christopher Lee

My favourite country is Finland because once you get to a certain point, you can drive for hours without seeing a single person. I love peace and quiet–something I don’t get very often. — Christopher Lee

What’s really important for me is, as an old man, I’m known by my own generation and the next generation know me, too. — Christopher Lee


Christopher Lee is a powerful source of inspiration for all entrepreneurs. His words remind us that success takes hard work, dedication, and resilience. If you’re feeling down or struggling with your business, take a few minutes to read through Christopher Lee’s quotes. They will give you the boost you need to keep moving forward. And if you want more motivation, check out our courses – we can help you turn your business into a success.