The Best Burt Reynolds quotes

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In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the life of Burt Reynolds – an actor, producer, and all around Hollywood icon. As you’ll see, his life was filled with both highs and lows, but he always maintained a positive attitude and remained dedicated to his craft. We’ll also discuss some of his famous movie roles and how they helped make him one of the most popular actors of all time.

Discover the best Life, Actors, Thinking, Time quotes from Burt Reynolds, and much more.

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About Burt Reynolds

birth of the author

February 11, 1936

death of the author

September 6, 2018

college of the author

Alma Mater:
Florida State University

occupation of the author

Actor, Film Director, Film Producer

date of the author

Years Active:


It was kind of like the story of my life … It was great fun to do, the worst? there’s too many. — Burt Reynolds

Trans Am sales went up 70 percent after Smokey and the Bandit, and I was promised a free car every year for life by the Pontiac president. — Burt Reynolds

I can’t stand It when I hear certaIn actors talk about how horrIble theIr lIfe Is when they’re workIng, I’m lucky to be doIng what I’m doIng, really lucky. — Burt Reynolds

The more the art dominated my life and my house, the more the house became a home. — Burt Reynolds

the more the art dominated my life and my house the more the house became a home Burt Reynolds quote

All you really have in the end are your stories. — Burt Reynolds


I thought (the dIrector) dId a wonderful job but … It wasn’t somethIng I wanted to look at for two hours. — Burt Reynolds

I’ve tried very hard to be thought of as a serious actor. — Burt Reynolds

I thought ‘Deliverance’ was a very good film. But it didn’t have the success financially that ‘Smokey and the Bandit’ did, although that film made more money than ‘Star Wars’ in the first week. — Burt Reynolds

I thought an amerIcan couldn’t play (hIm) … the other ones were good … I shouldn’t have turned them down eIther but bond, I was wrong, I could have done that role and I could have done It well. — Burt Reynolds

i ve tried very hard to be thought of as a serious actor Burt Reynolds quote

I thought It was really the reason none of us were nomInated because they probably thought none of us took the fIlm serIously. — Burt Reynolds


When an actor marries an actress they both fight for the mirror. — Burt Reynolds

I haven’t been somebody who’s been smart about his money. There are a couple of actors who are quite brilliant with the way they’ve handled their money. But they’re not very good actors. — Burt Reynolds

If I hadn’t been an actor, I would have been a coach, and I would have been a good one. All teaching is is communicating. — Burt Reynolds

All of the younger actors keep coming up to me and asking me where all of the land mines are because they know I’ve stepped on them all. — Burt Reynolds

when an actor marries an actress they both fight for the mirror Burt Reynolds quote

I worked as an actor for 60 years, I must have somethIng I can gIve. — Burt Reynolds


I’m terrified of marriage. I’m terrified of not doing something so important and at the same time I think you shouldn’t rush into these things. — Burt Reynolds

The best way not to fail again is to be absolutely positive that when you do it this time, you’re going to do it right. — Burt Reynolds

I remember (actor) lee marvIn saId ‘save your money and have a good tIme but remember It’s not goIng to last’, It was a wonderful tIme for me, and he was rIght. It doesn’t last, eventually It goes away. — Burt Reynolds

I’m just trying desperately to hang on to my true friends. Like Jon Voight. We laugh all the time at how stupid we are. — Burt Reynolds

I don’t take myself seriously, and I think the ones that do, there’s some sickness with people like that. — Burt Reynolds

Inspiring Phrases From Burt Reynolds

My movies were the kind they show in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can leave. — Burt Reynolds

Redundant Thematics

In Burt Reynolds Statements


My acting is a bit like basketball. Most females in my films come off very well. I give great assist. And if I’m lucky, I even score. — Burt Reynolds

If I was as tough as I’m made out to be in movies, I wouldn’t have to worry. — Burt Reynolds

I’m proud of ‘Deliverance’ because it was a very dangerous film to make, and they all said it couldn’t be done, and we did it. And Jon Voight and I are now like brothers. — Burt Reynolds

my movies were the kind they show in prisons and airplanes because nobody can leave Burt Reynolds quote

To be successful in business, you have to be ruthless. — Burt Reynolds

I took the part that was the most fun. … I dIdn’t take the part that would be the most challengIng. — Burt Reynolds

I’m really much more like Phil Potter from [the 1979 film] Starting Over. People do think I’m the Bandit [from Smokey and the Bandit ], and I’m a lot more serious than that. — Burt Reynolds

Various Statements From Burt Reynolds

I love Stroker Ace. I love the whole team. Jim Nabors really stole the show, and Ned Beatty, well I’ve made more of my movies with Ned Beatty than anybody else. — Burt Reynolds

There were films offered to me that wouldn’t have been offered ever before, really good directors suddenly were coming out of the woodwork and asking me to work with them. i was thrilled. — Burt Reynolds

you re not a man until your father says you re a man Burt Reynolds quote

You’re not a man until your father says you’re a man. — Burt Reynolds

He did to otHer people but not to me, i would ask him what did you think of tHe last picture dad and He said ‘ what picture ? ‘. — Burt Reynolds

I’ve always gotten along well with Texans. You’ve got to. — Burt Reynolds

I’m not sure if I can swagger anymore, but I can limp with the best of them. — Burt Reynolds

The moment you grab someone by the lapels, you’re lost. — Burt Reynolds

i ve always gotten along well with texans you ve got to Burt Reynolds quote