When you think of successful entrepreneurs, Bradley Cooper may not be the first name that comes to mind. However, this Hollywood A-lister has quietly built an impressive business empire worth millions. Here’s a look at the quotes compilation of Bradley Cooper and how he became one of the most successful actors and businessmen in the world.
Here are the best Work, Life, Thinking quotes from Bradley Cooper, and much more.
I worked in restaurants the first half of my life. — Bradley Cooper
Don’t trust a guy who accuses you of infidelity. He’s cheating. He’s projecting. If you’re living that kind of life, you think everybody else is too. — Bradley Cooper
You changed my entire life, so thank You, bob. — Bradley Cooper
I loved the college experience of studying. — Bradley Cooper
For a comedy to work, magic has to happen. — Bradley Cooper
I want to work with great filmmakers and great actors and get better as an actor. — Bradley Cooper
I used to work the graveyard shift. — Bradley Cooper
God opposes the proud. The way you get up front is do really good work in the back. Humility is a by product of spending time with Jesus–it is not a reflection of yourself — Bradley Cooper
This is what I learned at the hospital. You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining. — Bradley Cooper
If it doesn’t win many oscars, the controversy most likely won’t have a thing to do with it. — Bradley Cooper
When I’m into a woman, I literally can’t stop staring. I’m like a little kid. I become completely entranced. — Bradley Cooper
I think he’s Will ‘s partying a lot in Cabo. I think he’s running a brothel. I don’t know what he’s doing. — Bradley Cooper
I thought I sang–it’s OK–it’s so hard to sing! Singing–I had no idea. I’d get fatigued at the end of a phrase–the amount of respect I have for singers! — Bradley Cooper
I think the thought of a traditional family home is awesome. Traditional roles are becoming a thing of the past, but I think there is something really charming about them. — Bradley Cooper
I had size 12 feet when I was 10, so I thought I was going to be 6 8. My goal was to be able to dunk a basket. I wound up being 6 1 with size 14 feet. I got the raw end of the deal. — Bradley Cooper
Redundant Thematics
In Bradley Cooper Statements
I had a background as a cook, and I thought I knew that world, but It scared me to pull off that level of a chef, and If somethIng scares you, It’s usually a sIgn that you should do It. — Bradley Cooper
Being in ‘Us Weekly’ does not make you famous. — Bradley Cooper
Inspiring Phrases From Bradley Cooper
It was one of those things where i was like,’ It has to be great,’. — Bradley Cooper
There are certain actors you watch in a movie, and you think, ‘Wow, that guy is very skilled.’ — Bradley Cooper
I just wrapped this movie called ‘The Wedding Crashers’ which was a pretty big break for me. — Bradley Cooper
I’ve never heard of a comedy that hasn’t had reshoots, especially for the ending of a movie in a comedy. — Bradley Cooper
If you look at anybody who’s had along career, if you look at the choices they’ve made–even if the movies haven’t worked–they’ve always worked with great filmmakers. — Bradley Cooper
Well, i’ll put in a good word, let’s just say that. — Bradley Cooper
I was on Facebook. I’m not anymore, but my sister always sends pictures to a page. I’m sure you can find a Bradley Cooper there. — Bradley Cooper
Bradley Cooper is one of my favorite actors. I admire his work in both comedy and drama. In a recent interview, he shared some great insights about the power of self-belief. “The biggest thing for me was realizing that I am enough,” he said. “I have all the qualities that I need.” This is a message we can all stand to hear again and again. No matter what you do or where you are in your life, remember that you have everything you need inside of you. And if you ever feel lost or uncertain, know that there’s no shame in reaching out for help. We at Coursera are here to support your learning journey every step of the way.