The Best Bobby Seale quotes

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Bobby Seale is an entrepreneur who has always been interested in making a difference in the world. He started his first business when he was just eighteen years old, and he’s never looked back since. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Seale’s life and his contributions to the business world. We’ll also explore some of the lessons that entrepreneurs can learn from him.

We are glad to present you the most interesting Parties quotes from Bobby Seale, and much more.


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About Bobby Seale

birth of the author

October 22, 1936

education of the author

Merritt College

occupation of the author

Political Activist

political of the author

Political Party:
Black Panther Party


If they had not murdered Malcolm X, there probably never would have been a Black Panther Party. — Bobby Seale

The Black Panther Party were not revenge nationalists. — Bobby Seale

The Black Panther party of Self–Defense is a revolutionary party. — Bobby Seale

There is an entire generation of young people who know nothing about how viciously the FBI attacked The Black Panther Party, and why. — Bobby Seale

the black panther party were not revenge nationalists Bobby Seale quote

The Black Panther Party was not a gang. They grew out of a young black intelligentsia on college campuses. — Bobby Seale

I’m going to have to call up Spike Lee. I did a cameo for him in ‘Malcolm X,’ and I’m trying to get him to do my life story and the history of the Black Panther Party. — Bobby Seale

When donors visited the Black Panther Party, they came and saw our real programs, a real clinic, with real doctors and medics, giving service to people. — Bobby Seale

Lots of people think I went to prison. I never went to prison. I was in jail without bail. — Bobby Seale

Inspiring Phrases From Bobby Seale

I always tried to raise money for the Black Panthers through business schemes. — Bobby Seale

i always tried to raise money for the black panthers through business schemes Bobby Seale quote

Money is the medium of exchange, and it’s how you make things happen. To say you hate it is some farfetched, idealistic crap. — Bobby Seale

Fox News never calls up Bobby Seale to articulate a stance in opposition to right–wing conservatives. To me, giving the New Black Panthers a platform on Fox is a subtle tactic to scare people. — Bobby Seale

We were like heroes, to stand there and observe the police, and the police were scared to move upon us. — Bobby Seale

We don’t hate nobody because of their color. We hate oppression! — Bobby Seale

There’s nothing wrong with being a cop. There’s nothing wrong with being a white person. It’s about where your heart is… We’ve got to get everyone beyond the xenophobic isolationism. — Bobby Seale

Electoral politics was always an objective of the Black Panther party, so Barack Obama is a part of what we dreamed and struggled and died for. — Bobby Seale

Redundant Thematics

In Bobby Seale Statements


Various Statements From Bobby Seale

I have quite a few good friends in Philadelphia who were police officers. — Bobby Seale

The first African–American leader was Dr. Martin Luther King. — Bobby Seale

We’re hip to the fact that Superman never saved no black people. You got that? — Bobby Seale

I think the American Dream should be about a greater progressive legislation that allows for what I call a necessary future world of cooperational humanism. — Bobby Seale

i have quite a few good friends in philadelphia who were police officers Bobby Seale quote

I still want my right to defend myself. A railroad operation, and you know it, from Nixon on down. they got you running around violating my constitutional rights. — Bobby Seale

BOBBY SEALE Quotes Take Away

Bobby Seale’s words of wisdom have inspired many people over the years, and his passion for change is evident in everything he does. We hope that these quotes have given you a new perspective on activism and what it means to be an agent of change. If you’re looking for more information on how to get involved in social justice work, check out our courses page. There, you can find detailed information on upcoming training sessions and how to become a certified activist. With so much at stake, we need as many people as possible working towards positive change. Thank you for being one of those people.

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