In the world of professional sports, there are a handful of athletes who have transcended their respective games and achieved iconic status. Bo Jackson is one such athlete. Though his career was tragically cut short by a hip injury, Jackson’s legacy continues to inspire others to push beyond their limitations. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the remarkable life of Bo Jackson and explore what made him so successful both on and off the playing field.
Discover the most inspiring Baseball, Field, Time, Life, School Oks Percy, Ut Stonewall quotes from Bo Jackson, and much more.
Don’t sell yourself short because without that you can’t go far in life because after sports the only thing you know is sports and you can’t do anything else with that. — Bo Jackson
I have been a fan all my life, but now I have been out of football for over 10 years, and out of baseball for a little over six years and I don’t go to games. — Bo Jackson
I would say my greatest achievement in life right now–my greatest achievement period is–and I’m still trying to achieve it–is to be a wonderful father to my kids. — Bo Jackson
Don’t run too fast through life. You only have one. — Bo Jackson
I’m the type of person, I cross the bridges once I get to ’em. I don’t try to plan my life three, four months in advance, because you don’t know if tomorrow’s promised to you. — Bo Jackson
So, baseball is probably more physical of the two mentally. — Bo Jackson
So you have to be more mentally focused in baseball. — Bo Jackson
In baseball, I was a pitcher, which I hated because there was no action there. — Bo Jackson
Really, it’s not harder to train for them because once baseball starts you play everyday almost. — Bo Jackson
Whenever I wasn’t watching the planes, I was playing community baseball, football, or something like that. — Bo Jackson
I also tell them that your education can take you way farther than a football, baseball, track, or basketball will–that’s just the bottom line. — Bo Jackson
When I was a kid, everybody in the neighborhood picked me to be the one in jail or be in the cemetery by the time I was 20. — Bo Jackson
I’ll never worry about not being successful. I’ll just take it one day at a time, one season at a time. And play as hard as I can. — Bo Jackson
I was always active–I went from baseball to football. I didn’t have time to work out. — Bo Jackson
You have a lot of people on the run and really don’t have time to sit down and eat a balanced meal. — Bo Jackson
It’s all about the attitude, gut, heart and determination to go out and give 120% every time to try and help the team win. — Bo Jackson
I’ve taken up golf in the past five or six years, and most of the time there aren’t too many people out there that can drive a ball further than I can. — Bo Jackson
As a 9th grader, I competed with the high school kids and out of 600 people, I finished 10th. — Bo Jackson
I was always the fastest and strongest kid in my school so events like the 100 meter and discus throwing attracted me. I could throw the discus for great distance s without the proper spin and throw technique. — Bo Jackson
I have always been an avid bike rider. Even before I became an avid bike rider, I was an avid bike stealer when I was a kid. I am very educated on bikes. — Bo Jackson
Redundant Thematics
In Bo Jackson Statements
Well, back when I was training, probably the only nutritious thing on the market was Gatorade–that’s all that we knew. — Bo Jackson
But now in this day and age, people are more prone to go out to try new things to enhance their performance on the field–to enhance their physical appearance. — Bo Jackson
I have no problem with my hips–I can still do the things that I used to do. I can run, I’m just not the fastest person on the field anymore. — Bo Jackson
I was the type of guy that used to get up in the morning and go out and just out run everybody on the field without stretching or warming up or anything. — Bo Jackson
My workout was running down fly balls, stealing a base, or running for my life on the football field. — Bo Jackson
You practice Monday through Friday in college, or Monday through Saturday in the pro’s–and then you just go out and knock somebody’s head off. — Bo Jackson
I am my own person. What I’m doing, I’m happy with it. I’m doing what I want to. — Bo Jackson
It occurred to me in my junior year of high school. I got my first letter from a big college. I still have that letter to this day–a letter from Indiana. — Bo Jackson
I was a pitcher, shortstop and outfielder, and the Yankees tried to sign me out of high school as a first–round draft pick in 1981. I turned them down to go to college. — Bo Jackson
So, I got a lot of recruitment letters from track. — Bo Jackson
If you have four years to complete your college education, do it. — Bo Jackson
BO JACKSON Quotes Take Away
Bo Jackson is one of the most impressive athletes in history. What’s even more impressive is that he was successful in two completely different sports. If you want to be successful in your field, it’s important to find inspiration from those who have come before you and achieved greatness. Check out our online courses for tips and advice from experts in a variety of industries. We can help you achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself.