We all want to be loved and feel attached to someone or something. It’s a natural human emotion. But sometimes, we can get too attached and it becomes a problem. These attachment quotes compilation will help you understand the dangers of attachment and how to keep it from ruining your life.
The best attachment quotes
1. Attachment is the root cause of all misery. Possessiveness is nourishment for the ego. — Rajneesh
2. Attachment. A secure attachment is the ability to bond — to develop a secure and safe base
3. Enjoy everything that happens in your life, but never make your happiness or success dependent on an attachment to any person, place, or thing. — Wayne Dyer
4. Physical pleasures are not associated with attachment–abhorrence — the belief in an opinion itself is attachment–abhorrence.
5. Let go of the attachment, keep the lesson — L.J. Vanier, Ether: Into the Nemesis
6. Think about any attachments that are depleting your emotional reserves. Consider letting them go. — Oprah Winfrey
7. My approach is neither of attachment nor of detachment, but of simple understanding. — Rajneesh
8. Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions — reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.
9. In Sadhana there will be internal talk with God. You will give up all attachments and atÂtach only to God. — Sathya Sai Baba
10. Everything that you do under compulsion goes to build up attachment. — Swami Vivekananda
11. Suffering lets us see where are attachments are–and that helps us get free. — Ram Dass
12. We Jews have a special attachment to the Book. The study of page after page in tomes yellowing with age was obligatory. — Theodore Bikel
13. It’s still romantic falling inlove for someone for who she is and what she says and what she believes in. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
14. Attachment. A secure attachment is the ability to bond — to develop a secure and safe base
15. To bed, to bed; sleep kill those pretty eyes, And give as soft attachment to thy senses, As infants empty of all thought. — William Shakespeare
16. Remember: no attachment should grow, no clinging should grow. They are all against your independence, your freedom, your individuality. — Rajneesh
17. We as human beings lower our vibration everytime we react with the emotional attachment of what is only suppose to be a lesson through life. — Nikki Rowe
18. It is a mournful task to break the sombre attachments of the past. — Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
19. You don’t have to be an at–home parent to be an attachment parent. — Mayim Bialik
20. Our attachment to no nation on earth should supplant our attachment to liberty. — Thomas Jefferson
21. All thoughts, desires, conventions, attachments which come from outside must be ruthlessly pushed away. — Sri Aurobindo
22. Some people count sheep. I self–loathe. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
23. I didn’t know love could leave the lights on all the time. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
24. Attachment to being right creates suffering. When you have a choice to be right, or to be kind, choose kind and watch your suffering disappear. — Wayne Dyer
25. He had never looked at me before, never, and the idea made my skin burn. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
26. Some people count sheep. I self–loathe. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
27. Attachment is the shadow of the ego. Attachments are immediately created wherever you see ‘I am’. — Rajneesh
28. I didn’t know love could leave the lights on all the time. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
29. This attachment of Love to God is indeed one that does not bind the soul but effectively breaks all its bondages. — Swami Vivekananda
30. All misery and pain come from attachment. — Swami Vivekananda
31. Attachment to spiritual things is.. just as much an Attachment as inordinate love of anything else. — Thomas Merton
32. When attachment does not occur when someone gives flowers and no abhorrence occurs when someone throws stones — that is considered equanimity.
33. Jealousy is an evil which grows in the womb of ego and is nourished by selfishness and attachment. — Swami Rama
34. In Sadhana there will be internal talk with God. You will give up all attachments and atÂtach only to God. — Sathya Sai Baba
35. There is one thing we know about meaning: that meaning consists in attachment to something bigger than you are. — Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression
36. My approach is neither of attachment nor of detachment, but of simple understanding. — Rajneesh
37. A man could be in a throne and have no attachment at all; another one could be in rags and have many attachments. — Swami Vivekananda
38. The mind doesn’t harass you — your attachment–abhorrence harasses you!
39. Only by practice and non–attachment can we conquer mind. — Swami Vivekananda
40. It is one of life’s great ironies that most people’s only connection to success is their attachment to the pain of not having achieved it. — Stephen Smoke
41. In Sadhana there will be internal talk with God. You will give up all attachments and atÂtach only to God. — Sathya Sai Baba
42. Remember: no attachment should grow, no clinging should grow. They are all against your independence, your freedom, your individuality. — Rajneesh
43. Live today. Let go of your attachment to your past as an excuse for your life conditions today. You are the product of the choices you are making right now. — Wayne Dyer
44. Transcendence means going beyond duality. Attachment means remaining within duality. — Rajneesh
45. Attachment is a manufacturer of illusion and whoever wants reality ought to be detached. — Simone Weil
46. You can change your attachment from this to that, but you will be in misery. Attachment creates misery. — Rajneesh
47. As long as the ‘I’ is there, love cannot be. All that we call love is only desire, longing, passion and attachment; as long as ego is there, all these bind one. — Rajneesh
48. I dare you to call Ask–A–Nurse and tell them you feel a presence in your womb region. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
49. I’m genetically programmed to be a terrible person. — Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
50. The mind doesn’t harass you — your attachment–abhorrence harasses you!
It is clear that attachment plays an important role in our lives. It is the foundation of our relationships, our sense of security and our ability to form meaningful connections with others. Attachment is a powerful force, and these quotes highlight the importance of it in our lives. May these quotes inspire you to deepen your connections with the people around you, and to keep your sense of attachment strong.