The Best Antony Hopkins quotes

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Have you ever seen the film The Silence of the Lambs? If so, then you’ll know who Antony Hopkins is. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing the life and successes of this incredible actor. Antony Hopkins is a perfect example of how to achieve great things in life if you set your mind to it. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at his inspiring story…

Discover the most interesting Work, Actors, Love, Time, Life, Acting quotes from Antony Hopkins, and much more.

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About Antony Hopkins

birth of the author

31 December 1937

country of the author


country of the author

British, American

college of the author

Alma Mater:
Royal Academy Of Dramatic Art

occupation of the author

Actor, Director, Producer, Composer, Painter And More.

date of the author

Years Active:


I love life because what more is there? — Anthony Hopkins

I love roller coasters. I don’t get a chance often, but I’ve gone to Magic Mountain and gone on the rides. I love roller coasters. — Anthony Hopkins

And I love a scary movie. It makes your toes curl and it’s not you going through it. — Anthony Hopkins

Well, everyone likes movies when they’re a little kid. — Anthony Hopkins


I don’t know what acting is, but I enjoy it. — Anthony Hopkins

The art of acting is not to act. Once you show them more, what you show them, in fact is bad acting. — Anthony Hopkins

The Welsh people have a talent for acting that one does not find in the English. The English lack heart. — Anthony Hopkins

I always distrust the word art when it is applied to acting. — Anthony Hopkins

I hate taxing my mind with analysis. I’m not a good analyst. I cannot talk about acting. I hate talking about it. I hate talking about analyzing. — Anthony Hopkins

If you do things, whether it’s acting or music or painting, do it without fear–that’s my philosophy. Because nobody can arrest you and put you in jail if you paint badly, so there’s nothing to lose. — Anthony Hopkins

My weak spot is laziness. I have a lot of weak spots–cookies, croissants; my wife is always lecturing me about this, I tend to put it all down as habit or it’s just acting. — Anthony Hopkins

I’ve always liked to be a meat and potatoes kind of actor who doesn’t believe in any of the highfalutin stuff about acting, so I tend to be a little bit more cynical. — Anthony Hopkins

I tried acting, liked it, and stuck with it. I saw it as the way I would keep that promise to myself of getting back at those who had made my school life a misery. — Anthony Hopkins

Acting is just a process of relaxation, actually. Knowing the text so well and trusting that the instinct and the subconscious mind, whatever you want to call it, is going to take over. — Anthony Hopkins

Acting is constricted because you have the lines. But I improvise with it and what I learn on the set. I improvise rhythms and just changes. — Anthony Hopkins


It was a challenge, to work with Oliver Stone. — Anthony Hopkins

I know that some actors and directors like to have intensity on set. I don’t, particularly. Certainly, if they want that, that’s fine, but I can’t work like that. — Anthony Hopkins

I’m not a health freak. I just work out every day. — Anthony Hopkins

It’s such a pleasant surprise when you come on set and you find someone in charge like Ken Branagh or James Ivory. You know that you’re going to do a day’s work and at the end of it, it’s going to be good. — Anthony Hopkins

Acting is about listening and reacting. John Wayne was right: Acting is just reacting. You don’t have to do much–as long as you stay out of the way of others. That’s why it works. — Anthony Hopkins

What I do is just go over and over and over my lines and learn the script so well that I can just be easy and relaxed. That’s the way I always work. — Anthony Hopkins


This industry has been really good to me. It’s been a great life. I’m not through yet. I’m ready when you are, Mr. DeMille. — Anthony Hopkins

I’m interested in the dream and subconscious mind, the peculiar dream–like quality of our lives, sometime nightmare quality of our lives. — Anthony Hopkins

I like the good life too much, I’m not good at going on stage night after night and on wet Wednesday afternoons. — Anthony Hopkins

I do admire Judi Dench and Sir Ian McKellen, but I’m a philistine. I like the good life too much; I’m not good at going on stage night after night and on wet Wednesday afternoons. — Anthony Hopkins

I’ve been composing music all my life and if I’d been clever enough at school I would like to have gone to music college. — Anthony Hopkins

I was bullied as a boy–lots of kids are, but hopefully most of us get on with our lives and grow up. — Anthony Hopkins

Redundant Thematics

In Antony Hopkins Statements


It will be the kiss by which all others in your life will be judged… and found wanting. — Anthony Hopkins

People don’t always tell you what they are thinking. They just see to it that you don’t advance in life. — Anthony Hopkins

I’m married. My wife, Stella–a beautiful woman. She’s brought a lot of peace to my life, a lot of wisdom. — Anthony Hopkins

My life turned out to be beyond my greatest dreams. — Anthony Hopkins

I’ve felt like an outsider all my life. It comes from my mother, who always felt like an outsider in my father’s family. She was a powerful woman, and she motivated my father. — Anthony Hopkins

Why love if losing hurts so much? I have no answers anymore; only the life I have lived. The pain now is part of the happiness then. — Anthony Hopkins

I think a certain amount of stress in life is good. The stress of just working, which takes effort–I think it keeps you going. — Anthony Hopkins

My philosophy is: It’s none of my business what people say of me, and think of me. I am what I am, I do what I do. I expect nothing, and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier. — Anthony Hopkins

Relish everything that’s inside of you, the imperfections, the darkness, the richness and light and everything. And that makes for a full life. — Anthony Hopkins


For me, time is the greatest mystery of all. The fact is that we’re dreaming all the time. That’s what really gets me. We have a fathomless lake of unconsciousness just beneath our skulls. — Anthony Hopkins

I’m fascinated by the fact that we can’t grasp anything about time. — Anthony Hopkins

I’m a pretty tough guy, you know. I’m a pretty hard man. I’ve got a lot of compassion, but I don’t waste time with people. — Anthony Hopkins

The magical, supernatural force that is with us every second is time. We can’t even comprehend it. It’s such an illusion, it’s such a strange thing. — Anthony Hopkins

Every time I try to retire, or even think of retiring from acting, my agent comes up with a script. — Anthony Hopkins


I think all those actors from that generation, like Bogart–they were wonderful actors. They didn’t act. They just came on and they did it, and the characters were wonderful. — Anthony Hopkins

Actors I admire? Ed Harris, or course, I think he’s terrific; because I know he always had to fight being what he looked like a lot, but I think he’s a terrific actor. — Anthony Hopkins

The knighthood was a tremendous honour, I don’t dismiss it. But I feel embarrassed by the flowery, theatrical stuff that goes with being an actor. — Anthony Hopkins

I think the first British actor who really worked well in cinema was Albert Finney. He was a back–street Marlon Brando. He brought a great wittiness and power to the screen. The best actor we’ve had. — Anthony Hopkins

Oh yes. I’m an actor, so I just learn my lines, and show up and do it. I gave it a little bit of thought. — Anthony Hopkins


Antony Hopkins is one of the most inspiring and thought-provoking speakers on sales out there. His words are worth digesting, and we hope you’ll take some time to do so before our next course. In the meantime, check out our blog for more posts like this one and be sure to sign up for our email list so you don’t miss any upcoming courses or webinars.
