Alicia Garza is a social activist who is best known for her work with Black Lives Matter. She has been instrumental in highlighting the issues faced by black Americans and pushing for change. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at her life and her activism. We will also explore the impact that she has had on society as a whole.
Here are the deepest Movement, Black, Life quotes from Alicia Garza, and much more.
Known For: Black Lives Matter, People Organized To Win Employment Rights, National Domestic Workers Alliance
Movement: Black Lives Matter, Movement For Black Lives
I don’t even know what a hashtag is. You don’t turn a hashtag into a movement–people turn things into a movement. — Alicia Garza
One of the beautiful things about a movement is that there are many strategies and many tactics contained within it. Not every participant in a movement is required to do exactly the same things. — Alicia Garza
The biggest misconception about Black Lives Matter is that BLM is just one entity; Black Lives Matter is an organization and a network. We are a part of the movement, but we are not the movement. — Alicia Garza
Sometimes you have to put a wrench in the gears to get people to listen. — Alicia Garza
Just like we don’t live in a two–dimensional world, we don’t live two–dimensional lives. — Alicia Garza
My definition of feminism is a social, political, economic system by which all genders are valued, respected, and can live dignified lives. — Alicia Garza
The demands of the Civil Rights era weren’t limited to voting rights–they strove for an end to segregation in all aspects of life, including housing, employment, and public accommodations. — Alicia Garza
I think that there are real concerns that we have around whose life is important and why. So if the official story is, for example, somebody was running from the police, does their life matter? — Alicia Garza
It’s an america where the rules around race and gender and class are fundamental, and they shape and impact people’s everyday lives. It’s also an america where we function under a particular sense of amnesia. — Alicia Garza
I have to be honest: I feel like I live in a constant state of rage, and I think a lot of black people do. — Alicia Garza
The Clintons use black people for votes but then don’t do anything for black communities after they’re elected. They use us for photo ops. — Alicia Garza
That’s really what black lives matter was for me, and That’s why i said black people, i love you. i love us. and that black lives matter matter. and that we matter. and that black lives matter. — Alicia Garza
Quite frankly, black folks have always been at the core of what it’s meant to make this nation human. — Alicia Garza
When we address the disparities facing black people, we get a lot closer to a true democracy where all lives matter. — Alicia Garza
Black Trans Lives Matter, to me, is really different. I think it speaks most directly to the marginalization and disenfranchisement of trans people within the black community. — Alicia Garza
Redundant Thematics
In Alicia Garza Statements
I think that we are all deeply, deeply committed to the liberation of black people. And so, when you put people together who have and share that commitment, the sky is the limit. — Alicia Garza
There is no separation between the black community and the LGBT community. As a black, queer woman myself, I often have to assert, right, that it’s not one or the other but that I am all of these things. — Alicia Garza
It’s actually OK to be unique and have your own contributions, to celebrate what it means to be black, how we’ve survived and thrived through the worst conditions possible. — Alicia Garza
We want to see a world where black lives matter in order for us to get to a world where all of our humanity is respected. — Alicia Garza
Police violence is the tip of the iceberg when it relates to the conditions overall of black people across the globe. — Alicia Garza
Black Lives Matter is not just concerned with what happens in policing. The disregard, the disrespect, and the lack of dignity for black life transcends through the fabric of our society. — Alicia Garza
The history of black women in the economy is rooted in the legacy of slavery. Enslaved black women were forced to provide care work, unpaid, for white families. — Alicia Garza
Black Lives Matter was created as a response to state violence and anti–black racism and a call to action for those who want to fight it and build a world where black lives do, in fact, matter. — Alicia Garza